Easier Way To Study Summit
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For Students in Grades 7 to 11 You Will Discover
- The single biggest mistake students make during study time… and why it's so important you don't fall into this trap too.
- The 7 key strategies used by top-performing students to beat other students and achieve top SAT/ACT scores.
- The 5 Memory Principles you can use to learn and recall information for any subject… from facts and data, definitions, formulae and lists through to English quotes and foreign languages
- 2 powerful yet simple effects discovered by researchers into the human brain which you can use to shorten your study time, and still get more done than ever before… effects which most ordinary students don't even know exist!
- How to stop procrastinating in 10 seconds… we've all done it but now you can eliminate this time waster and get to work on that crucial homework assignment.
- How to get motivated to study... even if you really couldn't be bothered!
About The Presenter
Hi, Dan Dobos here.
When I was in Grade 10 and 11, I spent 2-3 hours a night studying in high school when my friends would be outside or playing video games.
You would think that because of all of the time spent studying, I would be someone who did well at school…
Well, I wasn’t. 😞
Despite spending HOURS every day studying, I’d often score Bs and Cs.
In fact, there was one time in Grade 11 where I handed in an essay and my teacher refused to give me a Grade for it. Instead I got a UG ie 𝘜𝘕𝘎𝘙𝘈𝘋𝘌𝘈𝘉𝘓𝘌 😳
My essay was that bad!
Then one day in Grade 11, it hit me: There’s no point in working really hard if you don’t know what you’re doing or even know if you’re spending your time on the wrong things!
So in Grade 12, I decided to approach my school subjects differently…
I found some mentors who systematically helped me develop better study processes.
I finished Grade 12 with an equivalent 4.0 GPA – a far cry from the Bs and Cs I’d been getting in Grade 10 and 11.
I was stoked, my parents couldn’t be happier. I got into a university course I never thought was possible back in Yr 10: Law and Engineering at Melbourne University.
Since then, I’ve gone on to create SpeakToCoach – a coaching company dedicated to helping high school students reach their full potential. 📚
Download Proven Strategies for Academic Success
Includes Free Report Which Reveals The Proven Strategies That One Student Used To Turn Bs & Cs Into An ATAR of 99.25” to: Proven Strategies for Academic Success